HPTO® – Wet Clutch

HPTO® Wet Disc Pack Clutches engage by “smoothly ramping” the clutch, much like using a viscous oil shear coupling to soft-start the driven load. Then once the driven load is synchronized with the engine speed, the disc pack locks up at full torque to provide 100% of the engine’s horsepower to the driven load. The HPTO can start equipment with significant inertia or even under partially jammed conditions. Because the disc pack is wet with continuous oil flow, it is best used in applications where power density requirements are high, and equipment is extremely abusive. Contact PT Tech for your specific application needs.

Key Features

  • Hydraulically applied friction clutches designed for diesel engines with dry and wet disc pack configurations ranging from 80hp to 1600hp, with option for live pump drives.

  • Our patented electronic controls monitor and adjust to real- time operating conditions, preventing machine damage while minimizing downtime.

  • Compatible with both direct and transverse drive systems.


  • Self adjusting for wear

  • “Push-button” start-up

  • No pilot bearing

  • Can be remotely controlled

  • Monitors and reports system status

  • Prevents operator clutch abuse

  • Internal rotary union allows for inline applications

  • Designed to absorb shock loads

  • Multiple configurations available


Technical Specs

Total Max Pump HP 225 hp
Min. Clutch Torque 2,750 lb-ft
Max System Pressure 2,500 psi
Max Clutch HP 475 hp
Min System Pressure 400 psi
Max Engine Speed 2,250 rpm


Technical Specs

Total Max Pump HP 225 hp
Max. Clutch Torque 4,000 lb-ft
Max. Clutch HP 765 hp
Max Engine Speed 2,250 rpm
Min System Pressure 400 psi


Technical Specs

Total Max Pump HP 225 hp
Max HP Per Tower 360 hp
Max Clutch Torque 4,800 lb-ft
Max Clutch HP 1050 hp
Min System Pressure 400 psi
Max Engine Speed 2,250 rpm


Technical Specs

Total Max Pump HP 425 hp
Max HP Per Tower 360 hp
Max Clutch Torque 7,200 lb-ft
Max Clutch HP 1,600 hp
Min System Pressure 400 psi
Max Engine Speed 2,250 rpm


Filter Assembly

HPTO® Reservoir

2G Series Gear Pump

G2/50 Series Gear Pump

HPTOR-Series Cooler

HPTO13, 14, 15, 21 Cooler